Blue Eye 2017

Horizontal Cut 2017

Horizontal cut-color 2017

The Lady with a Lamp 2017

Kristy 2012

Mumie 2010

Zuzana 2010

Vendulka 2012

Mc Řev 2012

Ve svitu - Anna 2010

Zuzana II 2010

Ve stínu 2012

Kakhi 2008

Alysa 2011

Light 2009

Waiting ... 2008

Monika 2011

Eva K. 2011

Klarka 2008

Monika a barvy 2011

Eva 2010

Spoutana 2010

Katka 2013

Michaela 2012

Já a křeslo co ho našla ... 2008

Na hladině .... 2008

Green Eyes 2013

Porcelain Doll 2013

One Eye 2013

Aviator 2013

Sandra 2013

One Eye (Color) 2013

Za sklem 2009

Spoutana II 2010

McDowell-Runner 2008

Sen 2009

Eyes 2010

Mezi okny 2010

Sarka 2013

Biker 2008

Gymnastka 2008

Egyptian Transformation 2014

Egyptian Transformation II 2014

Egyptian Transformation IV 2014

Egyptian Transformation 2014

Between Two Worlds 2009

Cenot 2010
Marketa 2015
Marketa 2015

Marketa 2 2015 (Color)
Sandra 2015 (Bw)

Alien 2015

3+1 2015

Sugar Galery 2013

Egyptian Transformation III 2014

Caffe 2011

Klaudie 2015

My Straw Hat 2015

Snedronningen 2016

Shine 2009

The Lady with a Fan 2017

The Lady with a Fan 2017

The Lady with a Fan 2017

Horizontal Cut 2017

Blue Eye 2017

Horizontal Cut 2017

Horizontal cut-color 2017

The Lady with a Lamp 2017

Kristy 2012

Mumie 2010

Zuzana 2010

Vendulka 2012

Mc Řev 2012

Ve svitu - Anna 2010

Zuzana II 2010
Vítejte u mě.......
* člen Asociace profesionálních fotografů ČR - APF ČR 2009
* člen České federace fotografického umění - ČFFU - přední umělec 2009
* Smluvní spolupráce s agenturou art + commerce NY, USA (zastupuje Vogue Italy) 2012
* Lektor "originální módní Workshop Hvar" 2012 - 2014
* Art Limited / Francie / Ocenění "člen poroty" 2013
* člen Fédération Internationale de l'Art Photographique' - FIAP 2013
* kvalifikace European Photographer - FEP 2014 - 2018
* udělen titul EP ( European Photographer ) federací FEP 2014
* udělen titul Artist FIAP - AFIAP ( Fédération Internationale de l'Art Photographique') asociací FIAP 2014
* Lektor "FUJI ŠKOLA - FOTOLAB" na téma klasický a umělecký portrét 2015
* udělen titul AFF - Fotoferia Artist STOWARZYSZENIE FOTOFERIA CLUB - CAFIAP (Club Artist FIAP), Polsko 2017
* udělen titul Excellence FIAP - EFIAP ( Fédération Internationale de I'Art Photographique' ) asociací FIAP 2017
Jozef Danyi was born in 1969. He lives and works in the picturesque city of Bruntál, Czech Republic. He is a self-taught photographer who specializes primarily in portrait photography, and his production has the hallmarks of mastering of a widely opened diaphragm and dramatic utilization of light. His distinctive creation is characteristic not only by its composition, but also sensitivity and sensuality. He has been actively participating in the International Photographic Salons since 2012, where he has received 56 eminent awards in 31 countries on five continents so far. In 2013, he represented our country in the World Photographic Cup, which was co-organized also by the FEP (Federation of European Photographers). The same Federation qualified him in 2014 for the European Photographers (EP) for the time period of 2014 - 2018 and simultaneously granted him the EP title. He published his photographies e.g. in the book Sensual Photography, edition I and III (France, Paris) or in the publication PX3 - PRIX DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE PARIS 2015 and in many other international photographic catalogues. In the Czech Republic, he presented his production in the magazines DIGIfoto, FotoVideo or Instinkt. He is an active member of the Czech Federation of Art Photography (CFFU) and the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP), which awarded him the title Artiste FIAP (AFIAP in 2014) and in the year 2017 title Excellence FIAP (EFIAP).